A short film in 3D virtual reality accompanied by the voice of Francesco Pannofino
La Divina Commedia VR – The Divine Comedy in Virtual Reality – is an audio-visual product in 3D virtual reality and 2D linear technique that shows some artistically significant moments of Hell (Inferno), as described by Dante at the beginning of his Commedia.
Planned as a skilful integration of live footage, video post-production, computer graphics and 3D modelling/animation, the production offers the viewer innovative and highly immersive ways of enjoying an imaginary world from one of the masterpieces of global literature and poetry. It is a symbol of this country’s linguistic and cultural identity.
Hell has never been so real
What makes the project unique and innovative is VR technology applied to 360° subjective 3D, engaging viewers ever more deeply in scenes where locations and real actors will be integrated with CGI Animation.
ETT, the Group’s expertise unit for Virtual and Augmented Reality, created the entire production in CGI Animation. It was a lengthy process of conception, design and creation of 3D animated models, starting from a storyboard that closely followed verses and images from Dante’s Divine Comedy.