Meta Effect inaugurated, the first exhibition entirely designed by ETT in the Metaverse.
What is art?
What is creativity?
Can Artificial Intelligence be considered creative?
ETT SpA, a SCAI Group company, addressed these issues by coordinating and bringing together artistic contributions by Paolo Bonfiglio, Mark Cooper, Gaia Midj and Corrado Zeni, and implementing visual and conceptual dialogue and investigation.
The opening was in the company of two outstanding avatars: Serena Bertolucci, director of Palazzo Ducale – Genoa Culture Foundation, and Luca Malavasi, professor of Film history and analysis and Elements of visual culture, Diraas, University of Genoa.
Giovanni Verreschi, CEO of ETT SpA, declared that “the Meta Effect exhibition began as research, a discussion space where visitors are called on to question the role of human creativity and experimentation in the art world. It is possible, in the Metaverse, to start a debate on what until recently was considered an oxymoron, by which I mean the combination of concepts such as emotion and technological development, demonstrating the possibility of combining a humanistic approach with computer knowledge. As far back as 1928, Paul Valéry (La conquête de l’ubiquité) stated that ‘neither matter nor space nor time has been what it was since time immemorial… the first use will be the reproduction and transmission of works of art’. It becomes possible, therefore, in line with the radical progress of scientific research that we see before us, to make art and Artificial Intelligence converge; breaking down ideological barriers by working on the awareness that both can be used to develop thus far uncalculated synergies”
Artificial Intelligence has something of a blurred boundary and often ends up merging with cognitive fields considered to be unrelated, one of which is indeed art.
The artists who exhibit their works move in the gateway opened by current technological achievements and they each give a personal interpretation of the concepts of space, time, borders, dreams and consciousness, all abstract and multipurpose semantic areas. These are devoid of concrete and objective references in visual terms and are, therefore, particularly suitable when verifying the dynamics of artificial neural networks relative to human ones.
The Metaverse space, therefore, is conceived as a true art gallery and can host 50 avatars that move freely among the works
Enter the Metaverse – Meta Effect
Watch the inauguration