Success stories

Juliana of the Abyss

2D/3D animation


An immersive and visually stunning journey, a dynamic and engaging film that uses different techniques and points of view.

Il Museo nazionale di Matera apre nel Museo Archeologico nazionale “Domenico Ridola” il nuovo allestimento “Giuliana degli Abissi”.

The National Archaeological Museum ‘Domenico Ridola’ in Matera opens the new exhibition ‘Giuliana of the Abyss’. The exhibition dedicated to the Giuliana whale recounts the past and present of the fossil discovered in 2006 at Lake San Giuliano, near Matera.

The result is a realistic, almost epic, detailed visual experience in which the techniques of 2D and 3D animation, compositing and motion graphics give life to an important work of projection mapping, whose impact is enhanced and made spectacular thanks to the potential of the hall’s large mirrored wall.

The exhibition route dedicated to the Julian Whale consists of several rooms: after the first, dedicated to the discovery and the stages of the difficult recovery, one finds oneself in the room entirely dedicated to projection mapping, which will take visitors on an immersive and exciting journey.

This is followed by exhibition rooms displaying some restored remains of the fossil and interesting finds related to the fauna and aquatic plants of the palaeoenvironment where the whale was found.

Through a monitor, visitors can follow the work in progress in the fossil restoration laboratory, set up in the former Palazzina Fio of the Ridola Museum.

Multimedia Set-up


ETT S.p.A. Digital Strategy & Design
ETT uses design, storytelling and cutting-edge technology to create unique experiences and to establish a connection between places and people using immersive experiences. The company designs IT systems and creates and manages vast quantities of data from complex sources.
ETT S.p.A. Digital Strategy & Design
Find out how ETT has revolutionised the experience of visiting museums and cultural attractions using innovative digital strategies.