
Offering – SCAI Finance

Discover our offering

Specialised and technological skills for the realisation of projects in the Financial Services Area, supporting clients on both the ict and business components.


DevSecOps refers to the adoption of a Software Engineering culture and organisational practice that aims to combine software development (Dev), application security (Sec) and operations (Ops). The main focus of this methodology is on monitoring and enforcing security at each stage of the software lifecycle: from gathering the requirements to the planning stage and all the intermediate stages leading up to the deployment of the required change.

The essential factors that contribute to achieving excellent results are people, processes and technologies, all part of the same ecosystem, interdependent and interconnected.

The know-how acquired in the Multi-Cloud environment, with integrated information systems on Private Clouds, applying SaaS service models and the IaaC practice, favours the DevSecOps team as the ideal partner for the client companies’ pools of architects.


In the increasingly topical perspective of technology as a prime business requirement, Hyperautomation is the solution of choice for the automation of functional and technological processes. Hyperautomation is a methodology that enables client companies to identify, monitor and automate a large set of business processes and flows quickly and efficiently. This is done using technological tools such as AI (Artificial Intelligence), RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and LCAP (Low-Code Application Platforms). It is essential in order to automatically examine, validate and test a cross-platform software product and ensure that it meets code quality, functionality and user experience standards. It is achieved through various testing practices and with the use of technology to reduce costs, time and manual activity.

Enhanced Data Management

Data management is a strategic function for companies that want to compete in the global, digital marketplace. Data is a valuable resource that enables companies to acquire knowledge of customer needs, optimise internal processes, innovate products and services, and make evidence-based decisions. To make the most of the potential of data, companies adopt a modern view of data management, based on principles such as quality, security, sharing, analysis and governance. This vision requires a data-oriented culture, an appropriate technology platform and specific skills. Companies thus turn data into a competitive advantage by creating value for themselves and their stakeholders.

Governance, Risk & Compliance

Implementing a Governance, Risk & Compliance strategy means managing corporate risks, reducing costs by combating fraud and financial crime, and determining risk through a risk management process that involves defining strategic corporate objectives, identifying and analysing risks, assessing and treating them, and finally reporting and monitoring them. The application of Governance, Risk & Compliance is implemented for credit risk, data security, market risk and operational risk, responding to the problem of alignment between the company and the information system in complex and changing contexts so as to guarantee the client company precision and operational effectiveness.

Cloud Services and Cloud Transformation

For customers, the Cloud represents a profound cultural paradigm shift in which business is no longer hardware-driven but software-driven and data can be managed with extreme efficiency and greater architectural simplicity. In addition, determining the security of an entire information system automatically and in real time is a goal that can be achieved at an affordable cost, and ensuring cones of visibility with regard to the data, guided by access policies, requires no application intervention.

We propose to our customers the design, implementation and management of entire information ecosystems, oriented towards SaaS service models with IaaC practices, on private and hybrid Clouds, applying Zero Trust security strategies, in full compliance with the regulations in force in the field of security, data protection and people’s digital identities.

Intelligent Automation

Intelligent Automation is the combination of automation technologies and artificial intelligence, aimed at helping companies make decisions and understand processes faster and on a larger scale. It is applicable to any type of technology and process. With its ease of implementation and scalability, Intelligent Automation provides measurable benefits for all business functions, can improve operational performance, work activities and corporate business by generating immediate value.

Factory Software Lab

Our factory software lab designs and implements software and web applications, using the latest technologies and architectures, combining the best and most innovative approaches to accelerate digital transformation.

Great emphasis is placed on continuous learning, with training courses and a large network of collaboration and knowledge sharing within all members of the Factory, characterised by a young and dynamic environment where people are at the centre of the project.

get in touch
Corso Enrico Tazzoli 223
10137 Torino
T +39 011 2273611

Via Venezia 24
87036 Rende (CS)
T +39 0984 34 415

Via Benigno Crespi 57
20159 Milano
T +39 02 607 6515