The Cloud DB Administrator Team of SCAI ITEC, a company of the SCAI Group, played a key role in the project that one of the leading global players in the insurance world has launched for the implementation of new, highly dynamic and responsive components of an extended Home Insurance system, capable of providing customers with a better information service and, at the same time, enabling the business to manage the relationship more effectively.
The insurance company’s customers, through the new system, have access to all their policies in the different branches (vehicle, Life, Non-Life, etc.) with full visibility of the relevant details, while the agents, can use the specific functions of a centralised dashboard to keep all the administrative aspects of their outstanding cases under control.
The use of a Cloud database and the use of Oracle Golden Gate were essential elements of this solution that saw the collection, consolidation and normalisation of information from different DBs distributed on various servers, each with different characteristics, as very critical steps.
The use of the Cloud DB was indispensable not only to provide a single database updated in real time, but also to deliver the data in Output in the minimum time desired by the users, be they the Company’s Customers or the Agents.
A trump card of OCI, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, is the ease with which the user can manage with a few clicks the possibility to scale up, not only the storage, but also and especially the CPUs, providing the application with the processing power needed to cope with sudden increases in the load of requests from Agents querying the dashboard, customers viewing policies, and other applications that rely on the same DB.
The upward and downward scalability of the CPUs and the other resources makes it possible, not only to cope with possible peaks in demand by always giving the highest level of service in a transparent manner, but also to save money and resources for the cloud adopter, who can easily decide to reduce or switch off what is not needed, based on current workload readings or forecasts for different days of the week/time slots of the day.
Specifically, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure’s Exadata appliances enable performances that are difficult to achieve with other databases. The Oracle cloud database adopted by our customer is able to simultaneously manage the continuous ingestion of data from multiple sources and, at the same time, the provision of all services to the outside world, with large margins for growth.
SCAI ITEC is currently a certified Oracle Cloud Partner with the following recognised expertise:
• Oracle Database to Oracle Cloud
• Oracle Cloud Platform Data Management
• Oracle Cloud Dev Ops