On International Girls in ICT Day, SCAI Group CEO Massimiliano Cipolletta chose to join Mind the STEM Gap, a manifesto that promotes an inclusive culture, present and future, in STEM fields.
Turin, 28 April 2022. It is a participatory project of the Bracco Foundation, set up in 2021 to counter gender stereotypes, give visibility to the expertise of female experts in fields still perceived as masculine and support inclusive educational experiences. SCAI Group CEO Massimiliano Cipolletta signed the Mind the STEM Gap Manifesto on none other than the Day established by the United Nations to encourage young women and girls to choose studies and careers in computing.
Repeating the words of Claudia Pizzato, Corporate HR Director of the SCAI Group: the gender gap must be overcome not only as an expression of a women’s movement or the achievement of a numerical target, but as a vision that must include the active participation of both men and women, in order to foster a change of perspective.
Read more in the LinkedIn Article The female algorithm: beyond gender stereotypes.